Obesity is one of the very big problems in America and nearly two thirds of Americans are suffering from it. Those people who are suffering from obesity are quite prone to diseases like heart diseases and diabetes. As far as most of the doctors are concerned, they will certainly advice you to try to reduce the weight and the fat by at first controlling your diet and then doing exercise for 30 minutes daily. You should do the exercise at least three times a week. However the problem arises when this does not works. One of the other options is the sleeve weight loss surgery.
Let us now see how this sleeve weight loss surgery works for your benefit.
You should know that by this method you will be able to reduce the size of your stomach by 15% of the original size. The large portion of the stomach is removed and the stomach is then clipped and it forms a vertical pouch. This vertical pouch looks like a banana. It can hold around 2 ounces of food. After stapling, it is being checked that the stomach is properly stapled or not. By saying that the stomach is stapled you mean that the bulk of the stomach is being removed.
There are many advantages of this surgery. The biggest advantage is that no foreign body is placed inside the body as in other weight loss surgeries. Once the treatment is complete the patient is given the license to have any amount of food keeping in mind that they follow the diet as prescribed by the doctor. This weight loss surgery also removes the part of the stomach, where the hormone which causes hunger, is being produced. You will also have lesser chances of getting the ulcer.
Let us now discuss the disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage of this weight loss surgery is that it is irreversible. This means that the detached stomach cannot be reconnected at any instance of time. The other point is that the stomach can stretch and this leaves behind the prospective for weight recover.
What is expected from the surgery?
It is expected that by this process you loose around 30 to 50 % of the weight. The weight loss will be experienced gradually from the surgery. You are required to preserve a stable diet. You will have to do this until the body weight stabilizes.
These are some of the points about this surgery. It is good way of loosing weight.
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