Let me first describe the preeclampsia in detail. It is a medical condition in which the hypertension arises during the pregnancy. This leads to the production of significant amount of protein in the urine. The blood pressure also rises during the Preeclampsia. Due to the increase in the blood pressure, the endothelium kidney as well as the liver gets badly damaged. The preeclampsia may occur due to the 20 week long gestation period. Its progress goes at different speed among different type of patients.
Apart from abortion there is no such cure known. It can occur after six week up to the post partum. Now let us talk about the second pregnancy. Most of the people think that if you suffer from this problem in the first pregnancy then you will definitely suffer from the same problem in the second pregnancy as well and the chances of this problem to occur second time is as high as 40%.
The Preeclampsia is marked by the increase in the blood pressure as well as the protein concentration in the urine. If you find out that the BP is of 30 systolic or the 15 systolic then I must tell you that you are definitely suffering from the disease if you are pregnant. This is the one way of diagnosing the disease.
There is the second way as well. And that is of measuring the protein concentration in the urine. If you come to the conclusion that there are about 300 mg of protein in the 24 hours sample of the urine then it is quite sure that you are suffering from this disease.
This disease is found in around 10% of the pregnancy cases. It too happens in the second or third trimester. In weeks you can say that it happens after 32 weeks. However in some cases it too occurs after 20 weeks as well. The most important as well as crucial time for the mother is the 24 to 48 hours of the post-partum. This is a very crucial phase and I must tell you that you should give special attention during this period.
I would now like to list some of the causes which are as follows:
1. Genetic issue.
2. Endothelial cell wound.
3. Concession placental perfusion.
4. Inequity between prostacyclin and thromboxane.
5. Reduced intravascular volume.
6. Dispersed intravascular coagulation.
7. Dietary issues, counting vitamin deficiency.
8. Immune refusal of the placenta.
9. Distorted vascular reactivity.
10. Augmented central nervous system tetchiness.
11. Reduced glomerular filtration rate with retention of salt and water.
12. Uterine muscle elongate (ischemia).
These are some of the causes for this disease and I must tell you that the only cure available for this disease is abortion.